Create and Edit Stores

Using the navigation drop-down menu, on the upper left hand corner of the screen, select Admin > Stores.

The empty form on the left half of the screen is for creating a new store. Fill out each entry accordingly.

Tip! If you have multiple stores, and wish to group them separately for reporting purposes, it is advised to organize them as such. To create a new group, you treat it like a new store, but instead name it as the group.

EXAMPLE #1: A company has 3 stores in the northern half of the state and 3 stores in the southern half. For reporting purposes you separate them into two groups; North and South. You would start by creating a new store using the same form on the left, but use the name of the group, then add the stores under that group.

Once a group is created, to add a store to it, use the “Create Sub” button to the right of the new group, on the right hand side of the screen. This will start a new form on the left. Once completed, the new store will show under the group.

Tip! This feature can also be used if a separate store exists within your larger store.

EXAMPLE #2: A store features a coffee shop inside that, for reporting purposes, needs to be separated from the greater grocery store it operates in, even though both are owned by the same entity. You would follow the same steps mentioned above to nest that coffee shop under the store, which can also be nested under a greater group.

Fill out the form accordingly.

Store Name: The name of the store can be whatever you want, though, it is advised to keep a consistent, detailed, and efficient naming convention across all stores.

Note! The store name line is technically the only line that needs to be filled before clicking “Create”. Please read all Alerts and Tips to ensure a successful setup.

Labor Store: This ties the store to a labor number for tracking labor costs. This option is only needed if you are using a 3rd party labor tracking system.

Tip! Basket has a built in labor tracking feature that automatically ties labor info per user to the store, all-in-one.

Store Number: This number acts as the system ID, which sales and other reporting functions are tied to.

Alert! If you are creating a store, then a store number is required. This should only be left blank when creating a group for stores to go into.  

Tip! If a store changes names, the name can be changed, but the store number stays the same, since it is used for reporting.

Open Date, Close Date, Zip Code, and Square Feet, are all self explanatory.

The “Change photo” button gives you the opportunity to upload a custom logo. Uploading a custom logo isn’t necessary, but can add a professional touch to your point of sale.

Tip! If you do upload a logo it will appear on the point of sale and inventory management devices.

Once a store has been successfully created and appears on the right hand side of the screen, you can edit or delete it using the respective icons to the right of the store’s name.

Alert! It is not advised to delete a store, even if it closes, because it will delete all of the sales info tied to that store. The delete function should only be used if a mistake is made during the initial set-up process.

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